Thursday, September 9, 2010

September Traditions

A favorite book I re-read each year:  Autumn, from the Heart of the Home, by Susan Branch

The breezes taste Of apple peel.
The air is full Of smells to feel.
Ripe fruit, old footballs, Burning brush.
New books, erasers,  Chalk, and such.
The bee, his hive Well-honeyed hums,
And Mother cuts  Chrysanthemums.
Like plates washed clean With suds, the days
Are polished with A morning haze.
John Updike

Leaf Craft
I love crafts, and preserving fall leaves is a favorite our family does nearly every year.  Just place leaves between two layers of wax paper and cover with an old cloth.  Press the cloth with a warm iron, sealing the wax paper together with the leaves in between.  Cut the leaves out, leaving a narrow margin of wax paper around the leaf edges.  So pretty tucked in a scrapbook or to use as gift tags!
An Ap-pealing Recipe!
Fruit Leather:  Spread plastic wrap out on a cookie sheet.  Clip or tape as needed to keep the edges of the plastic from rolling.  Spread canned applesauce evenly with a spoon about 1/4 inch thick.  Don't spread too thin.  Make sure the edges are as thick as the middle of the leather.  Place in the oven and set oven on the lowest possible setting.  It will take several hours.  When the center of the leather feels firm and leathery, you can carefully peel the leather off the plastic and turn it over to dry for a short time on the other side.  If the leather will not peel off the plastic readily, it has not dried long enough.  When leather is dry yet flexible, roll it in plastic and cut into one-inch sections for easy eating.

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